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How much does a booth cost?DC Big Flea: $275 each
How do I get an application?Online applications are available HERE on our website. Or reserve your booth by mail by downloading an application at the bottom of THIS page and sending it with your check to: D'Amore Productions 1340 N GREAT NECK ROAD SUITE 1272 #383 VA BEACH, VA 23452
Do you take credit cards?Yes! We offer many online payment options HERE.
Is there a discount for multiple rentals?No, there is not.
Is this indoors or outdoors?All our shows are indoors.
Do I have to rent a booth or can I just rent a table?We require a booth rental.
When is set up?Set up starts on Thursday at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and continues on Friday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
What time can dealers get in on Saturday and Sunday?Doors open for dealers on Saturday at 7 a.m. and on Sunday at 10 a.m.
Can I get electricity?Yes. There is a facility fee for this service. DC Big Flea: $115
Can I bring my own tables?Yes, but they must fit within your booth boundaries.
Do you rent showcases?You can rent showcases AT 757-430-4735
Can I rent walls?You can rent walls from 757-430-4735
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